Become a Member of the Great Lakes Business Network

Straits of Mackinac

The Great Lakes Business Network is a network of business leaders committed to protecting the Great Lakes region from threats to the natural environment. We strive to be the leading business voice for protecting the health and vitality of the Great Lakes and the economy, businesses and communities that depend upon them. We are fact-based, non-partisan, and focused on pragmatic advocacy to help set the Great Lakes agenda.

Membership Dues Amount

Contributions to GLBN are tax-deductible. Please select the membership category that best fits your business:

Less than 25 full-time employees = Minimum $200

Between 25 and 250 full-time employees = Minimum $500

More than 250 full-time employees = Minimum $2,500

Billing Information

Payment Information

After submitting this form, you'll start receiving our email newsletter and network updates from the Great Lakes Business Network.